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Call to Action!

KindKin Collective is seeking community support to operate over the summer and beyond. We dream of having a new space with access to nature for our community to continue to thrive.
Please share this page and spread the word.
We are seeking:
A 2-3 bedroom home with a yard in Sebastopol with neighbors and a landlord who supports our vision. Ideal rent is under $3500 a month. We are also open to renting a commercial space with housing onsite (1 bedroom is fine).
A pod of 6-8 young people who are interested in joining together for summer fun, ideally at our wonderful new location!
9 more young people to join 3x a week for the 2024-2025 school year.
So far, we have built a close community of self-directed learners and their families. We love our current space but dream of expanding into a home with a lovely outdoor space for us. Any support to help us grow is so very much appreciated.

We created a feedback form for the homeschool communities to discover what people are looking for. All parts are optional and can be submitted anonymously. Would you consider filling it out?
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